When You Have had Enough of Flying With the Big Airlines, You have Another Choice

by | Sep 26, 2023 | Travel

On your last commercial flight, you felt as if you were not going to make it out alive. The baby in the row behind you did not stop crying for an hour and a half. Someone had smoked in the bathroom, and while we were on the subject of bathrooms, the one you used was filthy. Dirty towels were everywhere, the sink had been thrown up in and they were out of hand soap. The check-in line was way too long, the counter agents were surly and you could only hope that your two pieces of luggage made it on board. (Thankfully, they did).

Your issue is not with the lower cost of the flight. Your company will be happy to pay as much as it takes to get you where you need to be, when you need to be there, and on time. Now, it is time to consider a private jet to San Diego. Since San Diego, California is your home base this works out great for you for a private air charter in San Diego, CA.

Saving time is always more important for you and your business than saving money. Getting you where you need to go is key but having you get there peacefully, with the ability to rest on the plane, or work if that is what you have to do is very valuable. It is time for a private jet in San Diego, CA.

So the next time you need to use a private air charter in San Diego, CA, you should consider a company with over 30 years of experience. To schedule your private jet in San Diego, CA, please reach out to Schubach Aviation today.

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