What to Look for In Temporary Office Space in NYC

by | Dec 29, 2020 | Business

Before deciding whether to expand the business into a new area, it makes sense to establish a temporary location and see how things go. This will call for leasing temporary office space in NYC. When looking for the ideal location, keep these tips in mind.

The Right Location

Even though the need for office space in NYC is temporary, it pays to choose something in the right location. Ideally, it should be easy for clients and employees to get to the office any time of the day. It also never hurts to have an office that happens to be near restaurants. Employees will find it easy to grab a bite to eat and be back at their desks before their lunch hours are over. Having those restaurants nearby will also make it all the easier to invite a visiting client to stay for lunch and provide the chance to discuss a few more business matters.

Office Features and Amenities

Inside the office space, be aware of what features some with the space. Is there an adequate amount of natural light? What about the number of outlets and their placement? Assuming the space will be shared by several employees, will the dimensions of the room allow for setting up cubicles with relative ease and still have a functional traffic pattern? If not, then the search for the ideal office space will need to continue.

The Leasing Terms and Provisions

Always look closely at the terms found in the rental agreement. This is true even if most of those provisions will never actually be invoked. For example, the plan is to pay the rent on time every month. Even so, it never hurts to understand that late fees are assessed after a certain date.

For business owners who want to test the waters before establishing a permanent presence in the city, Contact Sage Workspace today. With a little planning, it will be possible to find the ideal space to set up shop and get a feel for the types of opportunities offered in the area. Once a decision is made about remaining in the city, the center can also help arrange for more permanent space. For more information about temporary office space, visit Sage Workspace.

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