If you’ve introduced a new puppy into your home, you want to make sure you train it in the proper way so that it doesn’t begin to exhibit habits that might be destructive or unfriendly. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you take your furry friend for training sessions.
As Soon as Possible
Try to begin puppy obedience training in Murrieta, CA as soon as possible. You want to get your puppy accustomed to your voice and the various changes in your voice that are associated with fun and playtime as well as when it’s time to be serious. If you’re able to start your puppy in training classes soon after bringing them home, then it can be easier for them to pick up on your daily schedule, where they are allowed to roam, and who is in charge.
A way to help with overcoming security issues and to help your new friend figure out a schedule is by using a crate during the day. While in puppy obedience training in Murrieta, CA, you can utilize a crate by putting food inside so that they know when it’s time to eat or when it’s time to go outside to use the bathroom. If you want your puppy to sleep in a certain area of your home, then you can put blankets and other soft objects inside the crate so that they know that it’s a safe location for going to sleep.
Contact Epic Dog Academy LLC at https://epicdogacademy.com for more information.