Three Ways to Keep Your Work Place Safe When You’re on a Trip for a Week

by | Jul 4, 2019 | Fire and Security

If you are going to be gone for a week or more, you need to take extra caution. A variety of things could go wrong. These occurrences could threaten your work place, your belongings, or even your assets. So, make sure to do the three things below in order to prevent any disasters:

Protecting Against Fire

You need someone who will call 911 if a fire starts while you are away. That’s why you need a way to fight the fire in your absence. If you are looking for a fire suppression system in Louisville, KY, the city has some great suppliers, so no worries there. And when choosing your fire suppression system in Louisville, KY, they will provide you with the necessary equipment to keep your business and your employees safe.

Getting Surveillance Installed

It’s a must for safety purposes to have some sort of camera system in your home or business. If you don’t have one, you put yourself at risk. Anything could happen and you would not know about it. So be sure that you have cameras at a minimum. They should also be connected to the cloud for recording right away and saving onto a backup drive for later easy viewing.

Motion Sensors

Your assets are actually going to be fine with a motion detector inside the work place. They will not trip it due to infrared technology, which only triggers it at certain weight classes. This is something every business owner should have to remain safe and keep their work place in a state of peace as they are gone on long term trips abroad.

When it comes to taking a longer trip, it should be a relaxing experience. However, that is only the case if you have peace of mind that you’ve taken the right steps to protect your work place and assets. So, don’t leave it to chance. Use the tips above and you can relax.

Get in touch with the experts at today and find out how to get protected as soon as possible.

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