Questions to Ask Potential Dog Trainers in Keller, TX

by | Dec 26, 2022 | Pet Care

You want to discourage unwanted behaviors while encouraging desired behaviors in your pup. Dog trainers in Keller, TX, can teach your pet the basics and correct behaviors such as barking, digging, jumping on people, chewing, and pulling on a lead. You want to trust your pet with a potential trainer. Here are some questions to ask them before hiring them.

Where Did You Receive Your Training?

Professionals at a dog obedience school in Frisco, TX, should be comfortable around animals. They shouldn’t have just taken a lot of online classes. Ask them about their formal training and experience. The best workers in the field will keep themselves informed on all the latest training methods.

What Training Methods Do You Use?

Good dog trainers will use relationship-based methods. They should provide you and your pet with a positive experience. Don’t hire someone who uses compulsion or punishment methods. They should not be physically corrected for failing to comply.

How Much Experience Do You Have?

Look for someone who has at least six months of experience. A person with less than six months of experience may lack the skills to work through problem behaviors with your pet. Experience is essential to continue working with a pet calmly and confidently. An animal can sense when there is a lack of confidence, and the training will not be as successful.

What Types of Animals Have You Trained Before?

You may find that some trainers have worked with different animals. It’s good if they have other experiences because they are well-rounded and have a broad skill set.

Are you looking for exceptional dog trainers in Keller, TX? Visit the Citadel K9 to schedule a free consultation.

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