Purposes of Using Chemicals During the Process Known as Fracking

by | Nov 26, 2021 | Business

Purposes of Using Chemicals During the Process Known as Fracking

Fracking for oil in the ground can be a very complicated process. This is why a multitude of chemicals are needed to get the job done. While it may seem like it is toxic to use so many harsh chemicals, they are necessary and the drilling companies take great care to ensure everything is cleaned up afterward. Here are some of the purposes of why chemicals are used. Specific frac chemicals won’t be mentioned as each company may use different ones in their process.


Minerals have to be dissolved to gain entrance to the ground. This is done by making cracks in the ground during the initial dissolving.


Medicine is not the only thing that has anti-bacterial properties. Fracking also requires anti-bacterial chemicals to be used because bacteria found in the water can leave behind detrimental by-products that can corrode the drilling holes.


After the gel is used, certain chemicals are applied to stabilize the gel and ensure its eventual breakdown is delayed.

More Stabilizer

Different stabilizers are also used because the clay will shift without it. The stabilizers also prevent the clay from swelling and damaging the drilled holes.


Corrossion inhibitors are used to prevent any corrosive damage happening to the pipe that the injection fluid travels through.


Frac chemicals are needed to stabilize the viscosity of the fluid just in case the temperature rises over a certain point.

If you need more information on fracking chemicals that are needed, contact Flatirons Chemicals at https://www.flatironschemicals.com.

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