Do You Need to Prime Exterior Walls Before Painting?

by | Jul 20, 2018 | Painting

Most people who have painted the interior of their homes can tell you that a coat of primer is an important part of the process. However, fewer people have experience with painting the exterior of a home. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to ask whether primer should be used on exterior painting jobs. In this article, we’ll look at the process and what is involved, including what part primer has to play in the best possible paint job.

Standard Procedure

If you are doing exterior painting in Jacksonville, the standard procedure involves placing a primer coat, which is followed up by two topcoats of paint. This is also the procedure that should be used for a surface that is painted and requires substantial repair and scraping. If you are only shining up a dull surface or changing the color of your paint, doing only top coats may be an option. If this the case, you can use a single coat of acrylic latex paint rather than two coats, if you prefer. It offers the same coverage and protection.

An Appropriate Primer

You may need a specific type of primer based on the surface you are painting. As an example, redwood and cedar surfaces usually do best with an oil-based primer which can seal the surface. This prevents staining that can come through the topcoat. You also need to be sure the top coat and primer are compatible. If you are worried about finding a colored top coat that will cover up the primer, your painting technician can provide the correct paint.

Painting Over Latex or Oil Paint

If you have a surface that is in good condition with a prior oil or latex-based paint, you will not need to prime it. However, you should do so if the surface needs to be repaired or scraped. A stain-blocking primer is an option for sealing knots in trim or siding of wood, as well as to cover rust stains.

Painting Over Glossy Paint

It is best to use primer when exterior painting in Jacksonville over a glossy paint. Even if it has been treated with a de-glosser or sanded, the primer is still used. If you have hardboard siding, this also requires a coat of primer.

If you’re looking for professionals to paint the exterior of your home, Aqua Restoration can assist you.

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