How to Launch Your Photography Career in Chicago Without Any Experience

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Arts and Recreation

A career in photography can be an exciting and financially rewarding endeavor, but it’s not as easy of a path as many people think. Even after you earn your master’s degree in photography, you’ll have to establish yourself through your work. This can be especially challenging when you don’t have the experience to inspire others to take a chance on you. Here are a few more steps you can take in establishing your career as a photographer.

Start Taking Pictures

Photograph anything that interests you and explore the different functions of each camera you own. Even though you’re not getting paid to take these pictures, they should be your best possible work. The photos you take will be the backbone of your career, allowing you to create a portfolio that you can show to potential employers or clients.

Build Your Following

As with any entrepreneur, you will need to build a positive brand image, and that starts with building a social media following. Create accounts on the biggest social media websites and join groups where you can share your work. Make sure any image you share is watermarked with your name or the name of your studio. People who like your work will be inclined to follow your accounts.

Start a Website

Your new website should list your education, including your master’s degree in photography, as well as providing a brief bio for yourself. There should also be a blog where you can create posts that discuss your photography career and interests. In creating interesting blog posts, you’ll increase traffic to your site and you’ll start to gain clients who want to hire you.

You can get started on a new career path in photography by visiting the School of the Art Institute of Chicago

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