How Santa Cruz, CA Micro X-ray Tube Manufacturers Help You Find Disease

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Electronics and Electrical

One Santa Cruz, CA manufacturer is in the business of making X-ray tubes. However, they aren’t just any X-ray tube manufacturers. These X-ray tube manufacturers make micro x-ray tubes, which have refined and redefined the medical diagnostic process. Here’s how this company’s micro x-ray tubes have changed the diagnostic process and helped find disease larger x-ray tubes and machines cannot.

Smaller Samples and Greater Focus

Imagine looking at a bacterial infection under an atomic microscope. You would be able to see so much more than just peering at the sample under a standard microscope. The same holds true for micro x-ray machines. These machines take a smaller sample area of the patient and maximize the focus and intensity of the x-ray power to find signs of disease or illness where other x-ray machines cannot.

Never Disturbing the Sample

Another popular use of micro x-ray machines is scanning very small things in order to magnify them without touching or disturbing them. One such application focuses on fingerprinting for body identification and/or crime scene investigation. Similarly, this particular application can be used for identifying trace evidence or locating nearly invisible samples that you don’t want to make a mess of. Think of scanning cancer cells that you don’t want to move or scatter from their current location; micro x-ray machines can do that.

To learn more about the various applications of micro x-rays and how this technology can benefit your practice or hospital, visit Micro X-Ray Inc. today.

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