How Necessary are Business Cards in Orange County?

by | May 22, 2024 | Printing

If you’re doing business in Orange County, business cards might not ever have crossed your mind as an essential carry. So much of today’s business is done online, between Zoom meetings and digital marketing, that it’s easy to overlook the power of a business card. But don’t be so fast to discard this old standby….

The Importance of a Business Card

One of the great virtues of a business card is that you’re going to stand out, especially in a place like Orange County. Business cards are something that never quite goes out of fashion, but can nonetheless be seen as a bit quaint. This is a good thing, as you’ll stick in the memory of your clients who now have a physical means of remembering and contacting your business, rather than you being just another digital ad that they scrolled past. Moreover, business cards make for excellent pack-ins on your products and shipment. They’re an easy and efficient way to get your name in the hands of consumers using tried and true technology.

What to Look For

That said, if you’re going to be printing up business cards, make sure you work with a printer who knows what they’re doing. You’ll want a professional printer who can make business cards that really stand out, and which use the most advanced technology and highest quality paper and inks. Look for a local printer who will work in at least 300 dpi or higher, as well as someone who prints on high quality acid-free paper. Another industry secret to look out for is a printer who works in CMYK rather than RGB printing; that’ll make your results all the more vibrant. Lastly, try to find a printer who has the capacity to let you use your business cards to express yourself: custom options like rounded corners, or matte or gloss coatings are the cherry on top of the sundae.

Click here for more information about Business Cards in Orange County

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