When you purchase with a credit card, you may have noticed that you are sometimes asked to present a photo ID and other times not. The purpose of the merchant asking for an ID with a card transaction is to reduce their exposure to fraud by someone presenting a card...
Three Surprising Ways That Video Surveillance in Bowling Green KY Could Be the Key to Increased Profits
When it comes to video surveillance, many people believe that they only benefit it has for business owners is that it helps thwart burglars who want to get their hands on your merchandise without paying for it. However, it’s important to realize that...
Alarm Systems in Bowling Green KY with 24 Hour Monitoring
When you choose the right alarm systems in Bowling Green KY, your property is protected 24 hours a day whether you are on site or not. 24-hour monitoring means that there is always someone paying attention! Your property can be protected from unauthorized entry and...
Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company in Minneapolis
Staying on top of keeping your business clean can be challenging, especially if you rely on your employees to complete the cleaning. The best way to maintain a clean, healthy environment in your business is to hire a commercial cleaning company in Minneapolis. There...
Here’s Why Late-Night Dining is Worth a Try
Why are so many restaurants these days shifting their open hours to offer later schedules and dining hours? Here are just a few of the reasons your new favorite spot to eat might just become your usual local restaurant – after dark! Exclusive Offers Many restaurants...