Acquiring an Apostille From the Secretary of State: A Simple Guide

by | Feb 29, 2024 | Legal Services

Acquiring an apostille is a crucial process for individuals who need documents to use overseas. Whether the apostille is for professional or personal uses, understanding the process is vital. In this article, we offer to define what an apostille is and its importance and provide an easy guide on how to acquire an apostille from the Secretary of State.

What Is an Apostille?

An apostille is a kind of corroboration affixed to a document to verify its legitimacy and authenticity. It is provided by the Secretary of State or an appointed expert in the country of issue. It acts as a global form of certification, guaranteeing that the document will be accepted and acknowledged in countries in The Hague Convention.

When Is an Apostille Required?

Acquiring an apostille from the Secretary of State could be required for a number of purposes, including marriage certificates, educational degrees, business-related papers, and birth certificates. Individuals planning to study abroad and establishing enterprises in different countries, for instance, may require an apostille from the Secretary of State to certify their documents.

The Apostille Process

These steps are subject to change depending on the type of document or state:

  • Identify the type of document
  • Contact the Secretary of State’s Office
  • Fill out the application forms accurately
  • Pay the fees
  • Submit the application
  • Wait for processing
  • Receive the apostilled document


Attaining an apostille from the Secretary of State is essential in warranting the recognition and validity of your documents overseas. Following the steps in this guide and obeying the requirements of the State Secretary’s office, you can effectively acquire an apostille. Plan and have enough time for processing in order to meet your targets. With an apostille, you can assuredly use your documents for different purposes. For more information and assistance with apostilles, reach out to us at US Authentication Services.

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