A Few Facts About Decomposition and Death Cleanup in Washington

by | Jan 23, 2020 | Business

Effective death cleaning in Washington takes professionals with experience, especially in situations of advanced decomposition, which happens in stages. To understand more about these stages and their effect on the human body, keep reading for more information.

Stages of Decomposition

Science has divided decomposition into five stages. Stage 1 is known as Fresh. During this short period, gravity works its magic, and the blood begins to settle. Also, the body’s temperature will start to assimilate room temperature as autolysis occurs. Stage 2 is called Bloat and occurs when bacteria in the body release gasses, causing the corpse to swell. Step 3 is known as Active Decay and happens when insects and bacteria begin to devour the body. By stage 4, known as Advanced decay, there is little to no soft tissue left, and the skin, if present, is leathery and dry. The final stage, known as Skeletal Remains, involves nothing but the bones, which are eventually (if ever) broken down by the environment or devoured by scavengers.

Factors of Decomposition

Many factors play a role in how the decomposition of a human body will play out. One of them is how a person was killed. If there are open wounds or severe bodily trauma with blood and exposed internal body parts, then the decomposition will happen much faster than if there were no open injuries. Also, the location and climate of that location both have an impact on a body’s decomposition. If it’s hot, a body will decompose faster than if it were cold.

Contact Bio Management Northwest today for prompt and effective death cleaning in Washington today

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