Factors in Choosing Metalworking Fluids Companies

by | Nov 30, 2022 | Business

Metalworking fluids (MWFs) may be water-based fluids or neat oil. Metalworking fluids companies formulate and produce them to deliver both cooling and lubrication during the shaping of metals and machining. All manufacturing concerns require (MWF) if they want to sustain an effective operation. Using MWFs also ensures a long tooling life.

Know What Fluid Additives You Need First

Before you contact a metalworking fluid company, be certain you know exactly the type of fluids you require for your machinery. Take into consideration the equipment utilizing it as well as the intended properties of the fluids/oils. Talk to your company’s experts as well to determine whether the MWFs need to be tailored specifically to the needs of your operation.

Desirable Characteristics of a Metalworking Fluids Company

After you have a complete understanding of the type of MWFs your company requires look closely at potential metalworking fluids companies. Consider them in terms of the characteristics listed below:

  • Offer a comprehensive line of metalworking fluids including:
    • Water-soluble oils
    • Semi-synthetic fluids
    • Straight oils
    • Synthetic fluids
  • Have readily available high-performance and high-quality MWFs
  • Possess a solid reputation with competitors and customers
  • Offer customized formulations for customers and distributor partners
  • Produce products capable of addressing a variety of applications including:
    • Drawing
    • Forming
    • Grinding
    • Machining

The list of potential metalworking fluids companies should also have both industrial and application experience. Their reputation among both customers and peers should be sterling. Combine all these factors to help you make the right choice.

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