A Disability Attorney in Olympia, WA Helps People Appeal Denials and Reapply for Benefits

by | Jan 9, 2017 | Lawyers

The majority of initial applications for Social Security disability benefits are denied, but this doesn’t mean the applicant is ineligible. Usually, it means that some essential information was not provided or that the form was filled out incorrectly. Filing for benefits with the assistance of a disability attorney in Olympia, WA has a significantly higher success rate. In addition, a person who was denied the first time can appeal that decision, and having legal representation is important for making sure the appeal is approved.

Since the approval process can be time-consuming, it’s a good idea for applicants to get started as soon as they can. Claim denials can result in many months of delay, although the applicant does receive back payments once the appeal is approved. A disability attorney in Olympia, WA is important for streamlining the process. The person is less likely to deal with serious financial problems when the benefit is approved relatively swiftly. These lawyers also generally do not charge upfront fees, so the client does not need to worry about paying the attorney before the claim is approved.

Another consideration involves the administration deciding that the health problem does not preclude working full-time in a job the person would be qualified for. The administration acknowledges that the individual has developed a disorder that may be disabling to a certain extent, but believes this person should still be able to earn a living. If the claimant can provide documentation from medical doctors effectively disputing this theory, a law firm like Putnam Lieb & Potvin can put together a solid appeal to convince the agency or a judge to rule in the client’s favor.

Also, if the medical condition worsens over time, the individual can reapply. This can happen with a variety of disorders ranging from chronic back pain to multiple sclerosis. Medical evidence will be needed to verify the person’s stance that working full-time is not possible or would risk aggravating the condition even further. Jobs that some people might think of as not physically taxing can still be problematic for people dealing with chronic pain; sitting all day, for example, can make the situation worse. Find more information about getting help applying for disability benefits.

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