The Importance of Milling Equipment in Particle Size Reduction

by | Apr 8, 2022 | Business

When there is a need for a product to be reduced into particles as tiny as possible, you will want to be sure to have particle size reduction mills to perform the process. The importance of these mills cannot be understated. Here a few reasons why this is so.

Size Does Matter

The reduction of particle size through the use of equipment is used all of the time in the pharmaceutical industry. This is because the smaller particle size offers increased absorption capabilities as well as enhanced dissolution in liquids. The size of the particles ultimately will depend on what type of product is being reduced. There will also be different feed inlets that will correspond to the type of grind needed. Fine grinds tend to require a horizontal inlet while grinds of a fragile nature will require a verticle inlet

Watch the Blade

The type of blade used by Particle Size Reduction Mills is very important as well. For instance, a blade that is blunter than normal does well for aggressive reduction and has a higher impact potential. A blade that is sharper is used for instances where a finer granulation is needed. The best blades are reversible. This makes them truly indispensable as only one blade fitting is needed and it can be switched at will when a different product is ready to be ground.

No matter what product you need reduced, Custom Milling & Consulting, Inc. has what you are looking for. Contact them today for a quote!

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