How to Design Fantastic Brochures for a Business in Orange County

by | Nov 26, 2021 | Printing

Great brochures have five key elements. If you learn what they are, you can create your own templates for fantastic custom prints in Orange County.

A Standout Image

Your brochures will need a compelling image that stands out. Basically, it should accurately represent what you’re trying to sell.

Typically, mascots work well on brochures because they provide character. For example, a dog could be the mascot for a pet store, and a hunter can represent a hunting shop.

The Purpose

When someone gets a brochure, the pitch should never be a mystery. The tagline on the front of a brochure should sell the content inside of the brochure.

Important Business Information

Every brochure will need at least contact methods. Here is what you should include underneath your pitch:

  • An physical address
  • An email address
  • A phone number

If your business has a social media page, include it as well. However, you can emit this information if it won’t fit on the brochure.

The Time and Date

A brochure for an event should have a time and date. Only include the year if your company hosts the same event annually.

A Good Call to Action

Put a call to action at the bottom of the brochure. It should clearly state what the reader should do next.

Ace Printing Agency is a professional printing businesses that prints brochures. If you’d like to buy custom prints in Orange County, this team can help. You can also order banners, business cards, car magnets, and more. For more information, visit

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