Five Tips for Home Safety From a Trusted Saskatoon Electrician

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Biz Exclusive

Many things can go wrong with electrical work, but if you follow a few simple safety tips, the chances of an accident will be greatly reduced.

Here are five home electricity safety tips to help keep you safe should you need to work on any electrical components in your home. As always, contact a trusted Saskatoon electrician for help with any electrical issues in your home.

Five Tips to Stay Safe with Electricity

  1. Always turn off power at the breaker before repairing or replacing anything in your house. This is true even if the repair only takes a minute. The switch has been placed for this reason, and it should not be ignored!
  2. Never cut wires unless there is no other choice. It’s easy to get confused about which wire goes where, so leave those connections intact unless they’re destroyed by corrosion or some other problem.
  3. Never touch two wires together to see if they’re hot, as this could cause a powerful electrical shock. Always check with a voltmeter. Start at the breaker box and work your way through all the outlets in the house. Make sure to check for voltage before touching anything.
  4. Test continuity of connections using an ohmmeter. This will let you test each connection individually without worrying about accidentally completing a circuit with another wire or bare metal part.
  5. Know how to shut off power at your service panel if anything goes wrong inside your home. This should be done with the main breaker only – not with fuses or circuit breakers!

Leave the Electricity to the Experts

Taking the proper precautions and understanding the dangers of home electricity can help save you time, money, and potentially your life. If you fear that you have an electrical issue outside your expertise, contact a trusted Saskatoon electrician to help.

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