3 Signs You Need Solar Panel Repair

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Solar Power Installation

Switching to solar power cuts down on your energy bills. They also help reduce your energy consumption levels. Since the technology is environmentally friendly, a lot of residential and commercial properties are starting to use solar energy to power up their electricity. To keep your solar panels working without a hitch, maintenance is key. Here are signs you need to hire pros to repair your system.

Broken Glass Casing

The panels are often designed and manufactured to withstand a range of weather conditions. But they can still be damaged or compromised, especially after a storm. Stones hurled at the panels or branches that fall on them could deal extensive damage to the material. Look for pros that perform solar panel repair in Orange County, CA, to check your system if the glass casing shows cracks and fractures.

Power Cuts In and Out

If the solder connections are loose, then this is a likely outcome. Other wiring issues could also result in the power from the cells going in and out. Corrosion and oxidation are two of the most common problems that involve the wiring of the panels. If you see wiring issues, then don’t hesitate to call in pros to fix the problem.

Poor Power Production

Keep track of the power meter. Know how it performs on average so that you’ll recognize any sudden drop in the power production. That or check out the expected average according to the manufacturer. Is yours under that average? It could be due to the weather, so that’s all right. However, if that doesn’t seem to be the case, then the drop might be due to a problem affecting the panels, which is why they’re losing their capacity. Talk to pros about the likely repairs that your system will need to get those panels up and running again in no time Enlightened Solar.

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