How to Introduce the Book of Revelation Without Scaring Members

by | Jun 8, 2021 | Biz Exclusive

You might be concerned about introducing the book of Revelation to your church members. Many churches avoid the book because they see it as a frightening or controversial topic to discuss. There is a way that you can introduce the Revelation sermon series without losing members. Here’s what you can do:

Explain the Necessity to Cover It

The Bible is a spiritual guide that needs to be covered in its entirety for people to understand the message. That includes the parts of it that may be uncomfortable or scary. You can explain to your church members that they need to take the good with the bad to gain a full understanding of the Word.

Break It Down Bit by Bit

Next, you’re going to need to take the Revelation sermon series slowly and allow your members to digest it in small pieces. If covering it one paragraph at a time works for you, then you should try it that way. Spend some time going into the intricate details of each action as well as the description of the setting.

Invite Church Members to Discuss It Further

Some of your church members may still have trouble understanding or digesting the material. You can help those members by inviting them to ask questions and learn more by visiting after the church services. Make yourself available to give them the spiritual guidance they need to understand this monumental book. Use all the tips mentioned, and you should have very successful leadership.

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