Many caterers and buffet owners find that they want something different than the traditional dishes and cans of fuel available to them. Chafing fuel burners are suitable for any caterer or buffet-style menu plan because they are safer and cleaner than other methods of keeping food warm. Learning more about them can help you determine if they are right for your needs.
Safer to Use
An eco-friendly burner is much safer than traditional burners and fuels. Most fuels are made of gel, which means they can get extremely hot and can cause significant burns or fire if they aren’t used properly. Sometimes, they can get knocked over, which can cause fuel to leak out onto the table and potentially contaminate the food.
Eco-friendly burners use a patented safety device that ensures the burner stays cool if you touch it. If the burner overturns on accident, it automatically shuts itself off and keeps the fuel contained, so you don’t have to worry about fuel spills. They are also refillable, which means you don’t have to keep purchasing burners and can keep costs low.
Cleaner to Use
Traditional wick-and-gel fuels produce toxic fumes when they are lit. The fumes are designed to warn you that fire and fuel are present, but they can smell unpleasant and can produce carbon emissions that are bad for the environment and your health. Newer eco-friendly burners don’t produce any toxic fumesTraditional wick-and-gel fuels produce toxic fumes when they are lit. The fumes are designed to warn you that fire and fuel are present, but they can smell unpleasant and can produce carbon emissions that are bad for the environment and your health.
Newer eco-friendly burners don’t produce any toxic fumes, which means your guests won’t smell fuel or smoke. Along with such, they are designed to be cleaner so as not to leave smoke residue on the chafing dishes. Therefore, cleanup can be done faster, and you don’t have to worry about ruining your dishes. Another advantage of clean-burning products is that the fuel cans themselves are recyclable. Refill them as often as needed and when they can’t be filled anymore, recycle them and buy new ones.