How a Temp Agency in Philadelphia PA can Assist in the Job-Search Process

by | Jan 3, 2018 | Employment Agency

The average person may hold anywhere from twelve to fifteen different jobs over the span of their lifetime. Job changes can occur for many reasons including illness, relocation, childbirth, a change in training or education, corporate restructuring, or company layoffs to name a few. The likelihood of being caught up in the ever-changing job market is high, and finding and keeping meaningful employment can be a rough gig. Many people find it helpful to include the assistance of a temp agency in Philadelphia PA in addition to other networking.

One might wonder what advantages there are in using a temp agency when the need for different employment arises with so many potential avenues one could follow. Networking and calling on every possible resource available is crucial to finding a good match, as many people finding themselves yet again in a go-round of hunting for a position could tell you.

The days of seeing a “Help Wanted” sign posted in a shop window are, in most cases, long gone. Embarking on a job search requires a lot of research to find potential matches. Many companies will list their available positions with a temp agency or employment service to save themselves the time and headache of screening potential employees.

A temp agency in Philadelphia PA may have listings for skilled as well as unskilled labor and part or full-time work. Quite often temporary positions become available, such as a fill-in for someone taking maternity leave or an extended vacation, or to fill a need for extra hands to handle a one-time project or seasonal surges. Temporary positions can often lead to full-time employment if, for example, the person who is being covered decides not to return, their employment has been terminated, or a company expansion takes place. If a candidate for a temp job is qualified and reliable, things could go in a positive direction for them.

Having their finger on the pulse of the local economy and available opportunities make a temp agency an invaluable resource for finding a position. Using such a service could shave hours off of a job search. A good temporary or direct-hire employment service will be concerned with the best interest of both the prospective job candidate and the company with a position to fill. Using such a service can help pair a client’s strengths and skills with a range of opportunities in their database, allowing them to present the options for which someone is best suited. This makes them a strong resource in the job-search arsenal. For more information, visit Website.

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