The Pencil Popper Lure: A Game Changer in Fishing

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Business

Fishing is not just a hobby but an art that requires patience and skill. Catching a big fish requires the right tools and the perfect lure. Pencil popper fishing lures are quite popular in the fishing community. Mainly designed for mimicking the movement of a baitfish, it works wonders by attracting predatory fish, which makes it a must-have in your tackle box. Let’s talk about this lure and how it can best serve your fishing needs.

What exactly is the pencil popper lure?

As its name suggests, it is a long and slim hard bait with a concave face. The concave nature of the face creates a disturbance on the water surface, and this helps to produce a popping sound, which eventually attracts fish. The lure is usually made from PVC plastic. Its main purpose is to mimic the movement of a baitfish.

How it works

When the lure is cast into the water, a commotion is created on the water’s surface, producing a splashing sound. The movement of the lure then attracts fish toward the surface. It is mostly effective in open-water fishing because it can cover a large area.

Tips for using a pencil popper fishing lure

  • Target areas with many fish: Predatory fish are more likely to be found around their food source, so targeting areas with plenty of baitfish is an effective strategy for that big catch you’ve been waiting for.
  • Incorporate jerking motion: If you want to make it realistic to fish, it’s important that you incorporate a jerking motion as you retrieve the lure.
  • Use it in water bodies with a steady current: A calm current increases the lure’s efficiency as it produces its consistent popping sound.

Why should you use a pencil popper lure?

  • Mimicking: Since it mimics the movement of the baitfish, it makes it more enticing to predatory fish.
  • Versatile: The lure can be used for different species of fish, even tarpon and striped bass.
  • Can cover a large area: The lure can cover a large surface area, making it effective in open-water fishing.


The pencil popper lure is a must-have for those going after a big catch. Its popping sound, durability, and realistic movement make it one of the most effective fishing lures you can count on. If you’re looking for the right fishing lure, Dark Matter is ready to assist you with your fishing tackle needs.

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