3 Signs That It’s Time to Retire an Aging Trade Show Exhibit

by | Aug 29, 2019 | Trade Show Services

We know that you deserve the best trade show display for your needs. That’s why we put so much energy and time into making sure what we offer is top of the line. Many clients come to us when they feel their aging displays aren’t really working for them any longer. Here are three of the more common signs that tell them they need to talk with us about a new display.

Everything’s Looking a Little Worn

Our team often hears clients tell us that the reason they’re shopping for something new is that the display in general is beginning to look a little worn. Adding fresh graphics or doing something creative with the lighting is not enough any longer. Rather than spending more money trying to breathe life into an aging exhibit, they want to start fresh with something new. We can help with that.

No Longer in Line with the Company’s Marketing Strategies

Once upon a time, your older exhibit fit right in with your company’s marketing strategies. Everything from the color of the panels to the dimensions and the general layout was perfect for that message. The thing is that your company has moved in a new direction. That means the exhibit that was once such a good fit no longer works.

We can help you develop a plan for your new trade show display that ensures this important marketing tool is part of a unified image and effort. With the right layout, design elements, lighting, and other features, the display is ready to help refine your brand and reach out to your consumer demographic you now seek to reach.

Assembly is Getting Difficult

The old display still looks great and is a good fit for your company’s brand. The only problem is that it’s taking longer to assemble with each new trade show. You are starting to need extra hardware to keep everything together, and that sometimes means making slight modifications during the actual setup. At some point, finding ways to work around emerging issues isn’t worth the effort.

That’s where we come in. We can help you with a new trade show display design that provides all the advantages of the previous display. Best of all, setting up at a show will be quick, easy, and a lot of fun again.

Our goal is to ensure that you have a display that’s high in quality, attractive, and speaks to your needs. Contact us today, and let’s get to work on that new show display. The result will be something that’s useful for a long time to come.

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